Cicle Classics

We provide the print and identity design for this prestigious event that runs annually and has seen cyclists such as Bradley Wiggins as well as competitors from all over Europe participate.

We work closely year-on-year with Cicle Classics to produce their promotional materials for each race. Each year the visuals are updated to keep the race looking up-to-date and attract new sponsors.

Services Used

  • Brand Identity
  • Illustration
  • Logo Design
  • Publications


We design and produce the flyers, posters, car graphics and a supporting programme that accompanies each race. The brochure itself provides a useful tool for spectators to get to know the history and follow the race events throughout the day.

Our long partnership with Cicle Classics means an ongoing relationship to provide marketing materials for each of their annual races. This is key as it allows them to be able to attract high profile sponsors and providers such as Schwalbe and Duvel. In 2016, the race was broadcast by Channel 4.

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